Officer 5th Ed Exam Prep Plus

by IFSTA - International Fire Service Training Assoc.


9.99 usd

Prepare for your Officer Certification Exam with Exam Prep Plus!

Prepare for your certification exams while on the go! Exam Prep Plus is a portable, interactive version of our print Exam Prep product and contains 713 questions. Create a custom exam by choosing any of the 17 chapters covered in the Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer 5th Edition Manual. Exam Prep Plus tracks and records your progress allowing you to review your exams and study your weaknesses. In addition, your missed questions are automatically added to your study deck. With its easy-to-use interface and flexible navigation, youre sure to find it a wonderful addition to your collection of study tools.This app covers the following topics:1. The Company Officer I2. Organizational Structure3. Leadership and Supervision4. Human Resources Management I5. Communications6. Administrative Functions7. Health and Safety Issues8. Company-Level Training9. Community Relations and Company-Level Fire Inspections10. The Preincident Planning Process11. Delivery of Emergency Services I12. The Company Officer II13. Human Resources Management II14. Administrative Responsibilities15. Fire Investigations16. Delivery of Emergency Services II17. Safety Investigations and AnalysesCorrected an issue where many of the Chapter 3 questions did not appear.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Really helped me get through the exam

Nick Stiebel

Is there a new update available? I have the Samsung Note 10+ can't get the info to load? Please help.


The app is helpful, but by itself will not ensure you pass. It is a useful study aid and the provided page numbers and study deck are great. However, I need to ding the app for not being super user friendly. The biggest issue being that it will not save your progress on a quiz. Multiple times I've been going through a 500 plus question quiz and I'll accidentally hit the back button and completely lose my place, or the app will go idle and I have to start over again. It's very frustrating.

Jacob Royer

Good app, however it contains the same questions as the workbook. I would only buy one or the other. It does not sync your history between devices.

Jolie Fernandes

I found this tool invaluable in studying for Fire Officer I. I highly recommend it.

Rob Tooley